Dry Eyes


Dry Eyes services offered in Buena Park, CA

Why do I have dry eyes?

Dry eyes typically stem from a lack of tear production from your tear ducts or from tears that are improperly balanced in their chemistry. Dry eyes can also happen from the quick evaporation of your tears on windy days or when you aren’t blinking enough. Common reasons why you might not be producing enough tears include:

  • Old age
  • Gland damage from inflammation
  • Gland damage from radiation
  • Laser eye surgery
  • Certain medications
  • Certain diseases and medical conditions
  • Contact lens use

When you visit Eye Tech Optometric Center, your eye care provider asks you about your medical history and examines your eyes to determine the cause of your inadequate tear production. Then, they work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to relieve your dry eyes.

When should I see a doctor for dry eyes?

Some cases of dry eyes, such as those caused by the weather, are temporary and easy to fix. Others are more complex and require the help of an optometrist to treat. If your symptoms continue for days or weeks, you should seek medical attention. Symptoms that you might experience include:

  • Mucus buildup in your eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Burning or stinging in your eyes
  • Redness and swelling
  • Feeling like there’s something in your eye
  • Blurred vision
  • Tired eyes
  • Excessive eye watering

While excessive eye watering doesn’t seem to belong on a list of symptoms for dry eyes, it may occur as your body attempts to respond to the irritation. If left untreated, the surfaces of your eyes can be damaged by excessive rubbing and irritation. In extreme cases, you can develop corneal ulcers and experience problems with your sight.

What treatments are available for dry eyes?

There are plenty of treatment options for dry eyes. Your Eye Tech Optometric Center provider forms a treatment plan for you that may involve at-home remedies, prescription medications, or eye drops. They support you with suggestions on how to prevent your dry eyes from returning or worsening.

Commonly used medications for dry eyes include fish oil dietary supplements and prescription eye drops. To reduce dry eyes or prevent them from recurring, your provider may suggest that you use a humidifier, avoid direct sunlight, avoid smoke, or look at computer screens from a modified angle.

If your dry eyes are becoming a concern, call Eye Tech Optometric Center or book an appointment online today.